George Washington (Audio Book)


“George Washington” is part of a series written by German author Ferdinand Schmidt in 1911. The book tells the story of George Washington, from his upbringing, to his ambitions, to his ascension as the father of a new nation. It provides unique insight into the grievances the American colonists had with England and the culture that made 1776 possible. It is part of Classical Learner’s mission to take lost, un-politically correct history and make it available to the public.

Please Read Before Purchasing

Audiobook Download includes a zip file with 16 Chapters. For Best Experience please download an audio book player on your device.

Here are two recommended audio book players for Apple Phones and Android Phones.


The book discusses:

– Washington’s Childhood.
– His family.
– The development of his skill set.
– His first battles.
– The forgotten assassination.
– Tension with England.
– General Washington.
– The Declaration of Independence.
– Washington during the Revolution.
– Lafayette.
– Washington wins the war.
– Washington’s farewell to the army.
– Washington and Native American’s (raw and not politically “correct”).
– Washington and slavery (raw and not politically correct).