You Are What You Eat


Recommended Age Range 3-12

Where does food come from? What is nutrition? “You Are What You Eat” introduces children to the basics of health and sets a foundation in which children can develop a relationship with their food and what it requires to live a healthy life. Children learn about how nutrients, vitamins, and minerals are formed, soil health, how seeds grow into plants, the process of photosynthesis, and how eating healthy can make you grow as big as a Bear. 

The book includes a FREE downloadable lesson plan which prompts children to think critically about the relationship between food and health.

The back of the book includes seven coloring pages featuring the characters in the book. 

Author: Brett Pike

Book Includes:

– The You Are What You Eat story.
– Breathtaking full color illustrations.
– Coloring pages (final 7 pages of the book).
FREE downloadable lesson plan related to health and nutrition.

The author of the Cubs to Bears series is the founder and CEO of Classical Learner and the developer of the Homeschools Connected curriculum and community.
Brett Pike holds a Bachelors in History Education, a Masters in Special Education, and has a decade of experience working in the field of education.